Is the success of your project dependent on fast and accurate carbon measurements? Do you want the same level of precise carbon analysis used by Chevron or NOAA? A UIC carbon analysis coulometer is their instrument of choice.
Our coulometers are prevalent across industries like:
Oil and Gas
Are you looking for a reliable and efficient sulfur analysis system? UIC Inc. coulometric systems are used extensively by the university, geological, oceanographic, petroleum and cleanliness verification markets. Our primary product, the CM440 Total Sulfur Analyzer, is a complete analytical system allowing the direct measurement of total sulfites in foods, dissolved SO2 and H2S in amine scrubbing solutions, and sulfites in geological materials and wallboard. Trust us to provide you with the best sulfur analysis system on the market.
UIC, Inc. was established by Jerold Armstrong in 1965 as a manufacturer’s representative firm and has grown into a full manufacturing and R&D facility.
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